Buildable – RODEO Real Estate Thu, 14 Sep 2023 12:57:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Land alongside the main road near the Aerodrom area in Čenej Novi Sad – Zemljište uz glavni put potez Aerodrom Čenej Thu, 14 Sep 2023 12:07:24 +0000 I am selling agricultural land of 1.62 hectares, located directly alongside the main road near the Aerodrom area in Čenej, Novi Sad municipality. The price is 25euros/square meter, total 404750 euros.

There was an approval granted 20 years ago for the construction of a pig and sheep farm and a mini slaughterhouse, so it’s possible to build structures according to the land’s intended purpose.

The land is classified as meadow and pasture, ranging from class 1 to 8.

If you have any questions, please call me, my name is Petar, and I am the owner of the Rodeo Ltd real estate agency from Belgrade, my phone number is +381637038302 and I use WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram.

The agency commission is 2% of the agreed-upon price.

Good luck!

Prodajem poljoprivredno zemljište  od 1,62 hektara neposredno uz glavni put na potezu Aerodrom u Čeneju, opština Novi Sad. Cena je 25 eura/m2, ukupno 404750 evra.

Postoji odobrenje za izgradnju farme svinja i ovaca i mini klanice od pre 20 godina, tako da je moguća izgradnja objekata u svrsi namene zemljišta. 

Zemljište se vodi kao livada i pašnjak od 1. do 8. klase.

Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih pitanja, molim Vas da me pozovete, moje ime je Petar, vlasnik sam agencije za promet nekretnina Rodeo doo iz Beograda, telefon +381637038302, koristim WhatsApp, Viber i Telegram. 

Agencijska provizija je 2% od ugovorene cene. 

